If life along the Gulf Coast has taught us anything, it's how to run when nature sets her sights upon you. With time and experience, we are much more aware of the extensive amount of documents that need to be quickly accessible when you run.
When claims need to be filed and inventory of your life taken, documentation means everything. So much of this information is saved electronically now, but the internet won't always be available when you need it most. Hard copies along with e-files are the safest route.
We have assisted high net worth clients with gathering this information for their home and business. A case that can be carried with them containing hard copies and a digital back-up. The peace of mind that this kind of preparedness can bring is unmatched. This graphic is a good overview of what we suggest clients have on hand and usually schedule a review during September for National Preparedness Month.
Let us get you sorted. www.getsortedllc.com